ARIAS•U.S. Law Committee Reports
As a service to members and the industry, the ARIAS•U.S. Law Committee periodically provides short summaries of recent cases concerning arbitration or reinsurance-related issues, such as reinsurance discovery, motions to confirm/ vacate, dispositive motions and/or arbitrator bias. Reports also include pending legislation in any state that could affect arbitration practices; any existing state statutes or regulations pertaining to reinsurance or arbitration issues, such as consolidation, or pre-hearing security; and sections of the Federal Arbitration Act that may affect arbitration practices.
These summaries and reports are maintained here on the website and many are also published in the ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly.
To inquire about the publication of a summary that you believe is worthy of being featured on this site, please contact Michael Carolan or Amy Kline, Co-Chairs of the Law Committee, at or