Dale Crawford
Personal Information
  • Address:
    85 Dawn Heath Circle
    Littleton, Colorado 80127
    United States
  • Phone:
    (303) 979-3770
  • Email:
  • Attorney:
  • Education:
    Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter Associate in Reinsurance
  • Designations:
    Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter, Associate In Reinsurance
  • Offering Services as Expert Witness in:
    All forms of property-casualty insurance involving underwriting, claims, and bad faith issues.
  • Certified Arbitrator:
Work Experience
Current director of an insurance or reinsurance company: No
Former director of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes
Current officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: No
Former officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes

Insurance Company: 20 years
Insurance Company: Underwriting Department, Executive Officer (CEO, COO, CFO, Chief Actuary), Ceded Reinsurance Department

Reinsurance Company: 15 years
Reinsurance Department: Underwriting Department

Insurance - related firms: MGA-3 years

Other Work Experience: Broker, Consultant, Independent/Unaffiliated Arbitrator, Umpire and/or Mediator

Breakdown of Experience
Alternative/ Self Insurance/ Risk Management: Underwriting of self-insurance and captive programs while employed in reinsurance
Asbestos: Served as arbitrator and umpire in resolution of claim disputes relating to asbestos
Automobile Liability/Property: Underwriting all types of auto and property-standard, E & S, distressed property
Bad Faith/Eco: Served as expert witness, arbitrator and umpire where bad faith ECO was a major issue on numerous occasions
Captives/Risk Retention Groups: Underwriting of captives in reinsurance; president of National Home Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group
Catastrophes (Property): Underwriting of property catastrophe programs
Commercial Liability: Underwriting in insurance and reinsurance of all types of commercial GL and Auto liability-standard, non-standard, E & S, high-hazard property
Commercial Property: Extensive property underwriting, standard and distressed property ins reinsurance and insurance
Construction Defects: President of National Home-an affiliate of a home warranty insurer-sole product was insurance of builder-issued structural warranties. Construction defect was the major peril.
Contract Wording: Designed and administrated reinsurance contracts-ceded and assumed, as well as MGA contracts in both insurance and reinsurance
Energy: Extensive underwriting experience with production, distribution, operation of energy risks
Environmental/Pollution: Underwriting in reinsurance in 1970's when pollution was emerging as a major hazard. As insurers evolved in the treatment of pollution risks, was involved extensively in contract language development. Have served as arbitrator and umpire on numerous environmental dispute panels.
Excess/Surplus Lines: Underwriting of E & S lines of all types. Wrote numerous MGA contracts
Insolvencies: Extensive underwriting experience with insolvent carriers; have served as arbitrator and umpire where one or more parties were insolvent
International: Served as arbitrator ad umpire in international disputes.
Lloyd's: Underwriting responsibilities with Lloyd's contracts; served on several panels where Lloyds was a party
London Company Market: Underwriting responsibilities with London Market contracts; served on several panels where LM's were a party
MGA/MGU: Worked with MGA''s and MGA programs in reinsurance and insurance-property, casualty, auto and specialty programs for various industries
Personal Lines: Extensive personal lines underwriting experience-standard, E & S in reinsurance and insurance
Product Liability: Extensive underwriting of product liability in reinsurance and insurance throughout career
Product/Consumer Warranties: New home structural warranties were the product at National Home where I served as president.
Professional Liability/Errors &, Omissions: Underwriting of products in insurance and reinsurance; several appointments as arbitrator/umpire where products were a major issue of the dispute
Regulatory/Licensing: Worked with regulatory issues throughout my career
Workers' Compensation: Extensive underwriting in WC-reinsurance and insurance. For 5+ years, was Director of Marketing at Pinnacol Assurance. Helped guide the company from a state fund to competitive private carrier. Worked with underwriting, marketing, reserving, and other functions.
By Market
Bermuda/Off- Shore Market: 1-25%
U.K. Market: 1-25%
U.S. Market: 75-100%
ARIAS Experience
Workshops, As Faculty: Several appearance as panel member and speaker
Arbitration Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Arbitrator: 19
Number of Appointments as Arbitrator: 19
Completed Arbitrations as Arbitrator: 8
Umpire Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Umpire: 21
Number of Appointments as Umpire: 21
Completed Arbitrations as Umpire: 7
Dale Crawford has thirty-five years industry employment in underwriting, claims management and senior management. Fifteen years as North American Reinsurance (Swiss Re America) and Bellefonte Re Insurance. President of National Home Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group.

Crawford began his career as an underwriter in primary insurance, and shortly after moved to North American Reinsurance Corporation (Swiss Re America) where he had facultative and treaty responsibilities. These duties continued and expanded later at Bellefonte Re Insurance Company. At both companies, he was actively involved in the underwriting process, negotiating, administering, and monitoring reinsurance agreements.

Following fourteen years in reinsurance, he returned to the primary side, with responsibilities in underwriting, claims, operations, supervision, and executive management. For sixteen years, he also negotiated and administered reinsurance agreements, this time from the perspective of the insurer. He also had three years in the managing general agency business.

As an arbitrator and testifying expert, Dale brings his experience from “both sides of the table”-negotiating, administering, and managing reinsurance agreements as both cedent and reinsurer from the 1970’s through the 1990’s. Since then, he has served as arbitrator and umpire, having been appointed over thirty times. Dale has also testified as an expert in numerous jurisdictions in both federal and state courts as well as in several arbitrations.

Some specific area in which Dale had significant responsibilities while employed in the industry are also those in which he has served as a testifying expert and arbitrator or umpire:
• Excess and umbrella liability
• Facultative reinsurance
• Excess and surplus lines
• Managing general agency issues
• Property and construction defect
• Worker’s compensation

Dale has been an ARIAS-US certified arbitrator since 1998, and had the CPCU and ARe designations, and also has an MBA degree in finance.