ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly
The ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly, published each quarter by the Society, includes articles that focus on procedural issues and activities directly relevant to insurance/reinsurance arbitration. It is mailed to all members with valid US postal addresses. Members with international mailing addresses must download the Quarterly in PDF form located on the right.
Interested in submitting an article? ARIAS welcomes articles written by its members addressing issues in the field of insurance and reinsurance arbitration and dispute resolution. The page limit for submissions is 5 single-spaced or 10 double-spaced pages. If you’re interested in penning an article or have suggestions for topics for articles you’d like to see, please contact ARIAS at Click here to download the submission form as a PDF or Word Document.
2024 Submission Deadlines
Quarter I – January 3 | Quarter II – March 1 | Quarter III – June 1 | Quarter IV – September 1
Interested in advertising in the ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly? Click here to access the ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly Media Kit.